Monday, February 28, 2011

Breakpoints are not working in visual studio?

If are you getting the warning "The break point will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document." If breakpoints stopped working in the project on vs IDE the breakpoints became hollow circle with a warning message inside both VS 2008 and Vs 2005, below are few points that comes handy when you break points stop working on Visual Studio.

--> First of all check whether you are running on debug or release mode if you are running on release mode change it to debug, if it is in debug try next step.

--> Go to Debug-->Windows-->Modules check whether all the project dll's have symbol status if it says cannot find or open pdb file right click on module select load symbols and browse to the path of your application PDB,if it says says symbol Loaded then try next point.

--> Exit your IDE and delete bin and obj folder go to visual studio command line and run "devenv /resetsettings" NOTE: running this command will reset all your visual studio settings to default so think before running it and use at your own risk.

--> If you are using web development then Clear temporary output folders the path looks something like below

C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\{framework version}\Temporary ASP.NET Files\{some name}\{some numbers}\{some numbers}