Tuesday, January 8, 2013

OOP - Object Oriented Programming Basics

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that represents concepts as "objects" that have data fields (attributes that describe the object) and associated procedures known as methods. Objects, which are instances of classes, are used to interact with one another to design applications and computer programs.

Encapsulation - Encapsulation refers to the creation of self-contained modules that bind processing functions to the data. These user-defined data types are called "classes," and one instance of a class is an "object."

Abstraction - Abstraction is an emphasis on the idea, qualities and properties rather than the particulars (a suppression of detail). The importance of abstraction is derived from its ability to hide irrelevant details and from the use of names to reference objects.

Inheritance - Classes are created in hierarchies, and inheritance allows the structure and methods in one class to be passed down the hierarchy. That means less programming is required when adding functions to complex systems. If a step is added at the bottom of a hierarchy, then only the processing and data associated with that unique step needs to be added. Everything else about that step is inherited. The ability to reuse existing objects is considered a major advantage of object technology.

Polymorphism - Polymorphisms is a generic term that means 'many shapes'. More precisely Polymorphisms means the ability to request that the same operations be performed by a wide range of different types of things.

Overloading - Overloading is the ability to give different means or different definitions in the form of Method Overloading(differentiate them by defining different type of input parameters) and Operator Overloading.

Overriding or Method Overriding - Method overriding is a language feature that allows a subclass to override a specific implementation of a method that is already provided by one of its super-classes.

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